The core of EMOTHE is the creation of a repertory of classics of early modern European Theatre.
The EMOTHE drama database facilitates information on selected plays of the early modern European theatre (16th and 17th centuries).

The EMOTHE research project undertakes the study, editing and dissemination of the classical early modern European theatre, its texts and stage practices, understood as part of Europe’s cultural heritage, while incorporating the new techonologies of information and communication into the humanistic knowledge.

EMOTHE seeks to overcome the study of theatre restricted to national philologies (English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese), opening up ways to a European cultural canon that is a shared heritage of all European citizens. The project does not aim to develop a theatre history but to place the texts of the European theatre, its translations, the history and memory of its performances, the data and documents that identify them, and the resources and strategies to know and study them, right in the centre of the European cultural system of references.

The project follows on from the work of the ARTELOPE research group which has a uninterrupted history of 5 research projects funded by the R&D National Plan between 2001 and 2015, to which should be added TC/12 project funded by the CONSOLIDER programme (2010-2014) and “Red del Patrimonio Teatral Clásico Español” (FFI2015-71441-REDC), within the Spanish national programme for excellence networks. In this sequence the ARTELOPE group has developed a powerful open-access database of Lope de Vega’s plays (ARTELOPE), and published several open-access collections of digital editions (the Lope de Vega collection, the Early Modern European Theatre Digital Library –EMOTHE-, and the “Canon 60” collection of Spanish classical theatre), three collections that amount to more than 200 texts and a significant critical mass of research and theatre studies.

Joan Oleza, project co-director (Universitat de València)

Funded project FFI2016-80314-P (2017-2019)

Title: Early Modern European Theatre: Heritage and Databases

Acronym: EMOTHE

Principal Investigator: Jesús Tronch

Research team:

Tronch Pérez, Jesús (Principal Investigator – English Studies)

Oleza Simó, Joan (Spanish literature)

Miñano Martínez, Evelio (French Studies)

Calvo Rigual, Cesáreo (Italian Studies)

Calvo García de Leonardo, Juan José (English Studies)


Work team:

García Peinado, Miguel Ángel
(Translation Studies and French Theatre – Universidad de Córdoba);

Camões, José
(Portuguese theatre and Digital Humanities- Universidade de Lisboa);

Andrews, Richard
(Italian theatre – University of Leeds);

Harris, Joseph
(French theatre – Royal Holloway, University of London);

Cioni, Fernando
(English theatre – Università degli Studi di Firenze);

García Calderón, Ángeles
(Translation Studies and French Theatre – Universidad de Córdoba);

Romera Pintor, Irene
(Italian theatre – Universitat de València);

Segura, Jaume
(Virtual Acoustics and Virtual Reality – Universitat de València);

Souto, Luz C.
(Spanish literature – Universitat de València);

Corbellini, Natalia
(Spanish theatre – Universidad Nacional de La Plata);

Martínez Rubio, José
(Spanish literature – Universitat de València);

Burgos Segarra, Gemma
(Spanish literature – Universitat de València);

Barreda Villafranca, Cristina
(Spanish literature – Universitat de València);

Martínez Fernández, Ángela
(Spanish literature – Universitat de València);

López, José Enrique
(Spanish literature – Universitat de València);

Fernández Rodríguez, Daniel
(Spanish literature – Universitat de València);

Perelló Pigazos, Sonia Sofía
(English theatre – Universitat de València);

Ortiz Ramírez, Almudena
(English theatre – Universitat de València);

Bodí García, Alba
(English theatre – Universitat de València);

Martínez Ojeda, Beatriz
(Universidad de Córdoba);

Semplice, Silvia
(Università degli Studi di Palermo)

The EMOTHE project acknowledges the collaboration of the ICT specialists:

Muñoz Pons, Carlos; Maestre, Cristina; Mircea, Bogdan; Mirasol, Sebastià; Silvestre, Arturo

Summary of outcomes:

1.1: development of the EMOTHE collection (, modern editions, translations and adaptations in encoded texts: XML-TEI and HTML.

1.2: launching of the EMOTHE database (

2: new formats in hypertextual editions: parallel-text editions of source texts and translations.

3: management of ARTELOPE database and expansion of the Lope de Vega collection.

4: ICT-based research on stage practice: contribution to the digital reconstruction of the 17th-century lost playhouse “Casa de comèdies L’Olivera” in Valencia.

Other funded projects

Proyecto de investigación FFI2012-34347 (2013-2016)

Título: “Base de datos, argumentos y textos del teatro clásico español” (ARTELOPE)

Investigador Principal: Joan Oleza (Universitat de València)

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación / Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad


Proyecto de investigación FFI2015-71441-REDC (2015-2017)

“Red del Patrimonio Teatral Clásico Español” (TC/12),

Investigador Principal: Joan Oleza (Universitat de València)

Programa Estatal Redes de Excelencia,

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad – Agencia Estatal de Investigación


Proyecto de investigación FFI2009-12730 (2010-2012)

Investigador Principal: Joan Oleza (Universitat de València)

“Base de datos, argumentos y textos del teatro clásico español” (ARTELOPE),

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación


Proyecto de investigación CONSOLIDER2009-33-1 (2010-2015)

“Patrimonio teatral clásico español: textos e instrumentos de investigación” (TC/12),

Investigador Principal: Joan Oleza (Universitat de València)

Programa CONSOLIDER-Ingenio 2010,

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación