Act I
[A street in Madrid]
1Here we arrive in this magnificent city of Madrid, and miss the celebrations on the
occasion of the baptism of the new prince by just one hour.
2Such things happen, for good or ill, for want of an hour: If Pyramus had gone to the
fountain an hour earlier he would not have found Thisbe dead or the mulberries turned
purple with her blood. You know, the great poets say that the tragedy was written
with mulberry juice. If Tarquin had not arrived an hour late, he would have found
Lucretia safe and sound. (Of course, playwrights would not have gone from theater
to theater trying to find out if she was raped or not.) If Hero had spent an hour
thinking and deciding on the best thing to do, she would not have thrown herself from
the tower, that’s for sure (in which case, no playwright would have had his greatest
triumph writing her into his most famous play, and no actress would have chewed up
the scenery playing her). Since we have missed the party by just one hour, let us
not waste another before we find our destination. As the story goes, if one arrives
late, he must remain outside the gate. Besides, I am dying to see this friend who
is waiting for you as though you were a proper gentleman, without knowing how or why
such good fortune has come to us. After all, even though we are not competitors in
a tournament, it is he who supports us.
3Don Juan de Toledo, Cosme, is the man whom I most dearly call friend. Our friendship
rivals the great ones celebrated across the centuries. We studied together, then,
passing from letters to arms, we were comrades together in war. In the Piedmont War,
when the Duke of Feria made me a captain, I gave my flag to him. He was my lieutenant,
Cosme, and suffered a deep wound in the fray; I cared for him in my own bed. He owes
his life to me, second only to God. I have forgiven minor debts because it is unseemly
to mention them among nobles. For that reason repayment of a favor is depicted as
a rich woman with her back turned, meaning that once one has done something nice,
discretion requires one to forget about it. Thus Juan, grateful for my friendship
and my help, seeing that his Majesty has called me to court to reward my service,
has invited me today to stay in his house. It is the least he could do. Although he
wrote to me in Burgos, giving his address, I most certainly did not want to ask directions
from his neighbors. That is why I left the mules and the baggage at the inn and came
on foot to find his house. Then I saw the decorations and the finery and, when I found
out the occasion, I hoped to see the celebration, if only by accident. But we arrived
an hour too late....
Enter Angela and Isabel, veiled.
4If you are a gentleman, as your appearance would indicate you to be, please help a
poor woman who must rely on your sense of duty. Honor and life itself are at stake.
That gentleman must not know who I am. I pray you, prevent him from following me.
Upon your life, rescue a lady from certain misfortune and dishonor. It might be that
one day....
[She starts to leave.] Good-bye! I am undone.
5Was that a lady or a whirlwind?
6What a turn of events!
7What do you plan to do?
8You need to ask? How could my nobility fail to come to her aid and prevent her misfortune
and her dishonor? The man must surely be her husband.
9What are you thinking?
10I shall detain him by some trick. Of course, if that is to no avail, I shall have
to resort to force even though I may have to invent an excuse.
11If you are looking for a trick, wait... I think I have something here. This letter
of introduction from a friend should do.
Enter Luis and Rodrigo, his servant.
12I have to meet her, if only because she goes to such lengths to avoid me.
13Follow her and you will know who she is.
(Cosme approaches; Manuel withdraws.)
14Sir, although I am embarrassed to approach you, might your worship please do me a
great favor and read me this letter.
15I am in too much of a hurry. I have no time for such things.
16Well, if you need a little, I have plenty for both of us.
18(Aside) (This street is entirely too straight; they are still in sight.)
19I beseech you, Sir.
20Good God, you are irritating. I shall thrash you soundly if you do me much....
21For that reason, I’ll just do you a little.
22I have no more patience for you. Get away!
[He pushes Cosme.]
23(Aside) (I must intervene. Let valor finish what caution began.)
[He approaches Luis.]
Sir, this servant is mine, and I do not know how he must have offended you for you
to mistreat him so.
24I do not respond to those who doubt or complain about my actions. Good day.
25You may be quite certain that if I required satisfaction, I should not leave without
it, despite your arrogance. My asking how he has offended you, so that I may punish
him for his error, deserves more courtesy. Since courtly manners demand it, please
do not disparage it, even when a stranger should come to teach it to you who have
the obligation, as nobles at court, to know it.
26Who dares think that I lack courtesy?
27Silence your tongue; let your sword speak.
[They draw swords.]
29Good God! They’re going to fight!.
[To Cosme] Draw your sword.
31Oh, no! It’s a virgin. Without express permission, it’s not allowed to show its face.
(Enter Beatriz restraining Juan, accompaniment)
33You must not go.
34But the fight is with my brother.
35Oh, wretched fortune.
36I am here to help.
37Juan, wait. Rather than helping me, you are making me look like a coward. This stranger
needs no help; he even has a servant. Please go, for God’s sake. As a nobleman, I
can do my own fighting, and even more so with an adversary of such skill and grace.
Now please leave.
38I am taken by your charm and gentle manner. But if you still have the slightest quarrel
with me, I shall meet you at your convenience.
41I cannot believe my eyes and ears. Manuel!
43My soul is in turmoil and cannot decide what to do. My brother and my friend, which
is the same thing, ready to fight? I cannot believe it. I must know the cause.
44Then listen: This gentlemen intervened on behalf of his servant, a fool who provoked
me to speak harshly to him. This is the result.
45Since that is all it is, please allow me to welcome our guest with a warm embrace.
This gentleman is Manuel, the houseguest we have been expecting. Luis, I want you
two, who have demonstrated equal valor, to be friends. Shake hands.
46Before I do, because I have witnessed his courage and skill, I am bound by honor to
offer my service to Luis.
47I consider myself your friend, and lament that I did not recognize you. Your valor
should have been enough to identify you.
48Yours leaves mine humiliated. See? You have wounded my hand.
49A thousand times over do I wish the wound were mine!
50What a courteous fight!
51Wound? Come, we shall have it bandaged. Luis, you stay here and see Beatriz to her
carriage. You can give her our apology. Come, Manuel, to my house, which is also your
house, where you may get treatment.
52But it is nothing.
54(Aside) How sad that Madrid should receive me thus with blood!
55(Aside) How sad that I was unable to find out who that woman was!
56How nice that things turned out well for my master, unlike Don Quixote when he tried
to save a maiden!
(Exeunt Manuel, Juan and Cosme. Luis approaches Beatriz, who is standing off to one
57The storm has passed. Once again, madam, allow me to restore to bloom the flower of
your beauty that an accident has caused to wither.
59He asks your forgiveness, but necessary obligations have called him away, as well
as the desire to care for the health of an injured friend.
60Oh my! I am undone! Is Juan injured?
61Madam, it is not Juan. I could not possibly remain here so calmly if my brother were
wounded. Be not afraid; it is not right, since he is not injured, that between the
two of us you should suffer and I should be in pain. I say in pain because I see you
so captivated by an imagined ill and it hurts me all the more.
62My dear Luis, you know how much I appreciate your attentions; I know they are heartfelt
and sincere. But I cannot repay them. Only fate can alter love and it suffers no entreaties.
If what is most scarce is today most cherished at court, hold in esteem the truth,
for it is indeed a rare commodity.
63Go in peace.
[Exit Beatriz with her maid.]
There is nothing, Rodrigo, that turns out well for me. If I see a well-born lady and
wish to meet her, a fool and a fight interrupt me. I do not know which is worse, for
if I fight, my brother arrives and my enemy is his friend. If my brother leaves his
lady in my keeping, she rejects my sincere overtures. A veiled lady flees from me,
a fool torments me, a stranger wants to kill me, a brother brings him home as a guest
in our house, and another lady spurns me. Things couldn’t get much worse.
64I think I know which of all your woes troubles you most.
65How could you know?
66The one you feel most strongly is your jealousy of your brother and the beautiful
67You are quite mistaken.
68Then what is it?
69If I speak truthfully, and I feel I can trust only you, what causes me most alarm
is that my brother casually invites a handsome young man to our house, knowing that
in it there is also our sister, a young widow, as you know, who lives so cloistered
that the sun scarcely knows where she lives. Beatriz is the only person who visits
70I know that her husband was a port administrator with a modest salary, and that he
died owing the crown a tidy sum, and that she came to court in secret to see to his
affairs in private. This excuses your brother. If you consider that as a widow no
one is allowed to visit her, and even though your guest is Manuel, no one is to know
that such a woman is imprisoned in your house, what harm can come from having him
there? Especially since, as a result of considerable care and thought, the door to
his room opens directly onto the street. The old door to the rest of the house has
been closed up, and in front of it has been placed a cupboard with mirrored doors
designed in such a way that no one would suspect that there is a passageway behind
it. In this way you all suspicion is removed with the door closed, yet it still allows
one to be able to open it again.
71You think this gives me a sense of security? The very fact fills me with dread. What
you are telling me is that nothing stands in defense of Angela’s honor except a few
mirrored panes of glass, which can easily broken with one blow.
[Angela’s room]
(Enter Angela and Isabel.)
72Isabel, hand me that scarf. What a miserable life! I must live in a shroud, dead to
the world as a result of my enormous misfortune.
73Take it quickly. If your brother should come and have the slightest suspicion, at
least your appearance should not give you away. He must not see you dressed as you
were at court this morning.
74God help me! I am dying entombed by these four walls. The sun hardly knows of my existence.
But my woes can be neither contained nor cured in the course of a single day. Even
the inconstant moon, who learns her fickleness from me, cannot say that she has seen
me weeping in misery. In effect, I have lived my life in a cage, completely without
freedom, only because I was widowed by a husband and now as good as married to two
brothers. That it should be a crime to leave this house, to go where people are, where
there are plays and gossip and important events! Just to walk about the streets in
disguise, causing no dishonor, flouting no authority! Oh cruel stars! Oh wretched
75Madam, there is no doubt that your zealous brothers are concerned for your well-being.
You are, after all, a widow, young, beautiful, and intelligent. Your status is the
one that leads to the most problems with love. Even more so today, when men at court
frequently entertain their perfumed “widows”! My God! When I see perfumed hussies
gallivanting around town pretending to be so virtuous, so saintly, so modest, so circumspect.
All they really care about is showing off their new dresses. Take away their finery
and pious gestures and they become as flighty as a ball of paper on the wind, talking
to all the young men they meet. But let us leave this discussion for another time.
How is it we have not mentioned the stranger who came to the rescue of your honor,
the one who presented himself today as your savior?
76You have read my soul by speaking of him. The thought of him has me quite unnerved,
not on his account but on mine. Afterwards, when I heard the sound of knives, I thought
— and these are just fantasies, Isabel — that he might take my misery so much to heart
that he would draw his sword in my defense. I was foolish to implicate him in such
a fashion, but a woman in turmoil, what is she to think or do?
77I do not know if he stopped him; I only know that your brother followed us no more.
(Enter Luis.)
80Dear brother! What brings you here in such a state? What has happened? What is wrong?
81A terrible burden, a question of honor.
82(Aside) Oh no! Doubtlessly Luis recognized me!
83And I am most worried that our honor is in danger.
84Has someone caused you to feel uneasy?
85How strange! Here in your presence, Angela, I feel that same uneasy feeling as before.
86(Aside) Another shock?
87But Luis, how can I cause you displeasure? You know....
88You are the cause. Seeing you....
90Angela, our brother has so little esteem for you...
91That must be it!
92...that he heaps new troubles on top of those that brought you here. I was right to
turn the anger I feel for our brother against our guest. Without recognizing him,
I wounded him prophetically.
94I went to the Palace Square on foot. It was full of coaches and gentlemen. I went
over to a group of friends who were happily enthralled talking to a veiled lady. They
all celebrated her wit and praised her intelligence and humor. From the moment I arrived,
she spoke not a word. One gentleman even asked her why she fell silent when I joined
the group. Her actions made me most uncomfortable. I looked to see if I knew her,
but I could not make out her face. She wrapped her veil more tightly around her to
hide her identity and protect herself. Because I could not see her face, I was determined
to follow her. As she walked, she kept turning around to see if I was behind her.
Her nervousness piqued my interest all the more. We were walking along in this manner
when a man, the servant of our guest, stopped me so that I might read a letter for
him. I answered that I was in a great hurry. I believe he stopped me on purpose because
I saw the lady speak to him in passing. He was so insistent. I said something or other
to him and our guest, looking all menacing and military, came to his defense. To make
a long story short, we drew swords, but that is all. It could have been much worse.
95What an evil woman to have put you in such a situation! Oh, these conniving women!
I should assume that she did not know who you were, and that she only did what she
did because you were following her. I have told you repeatedly, if you will remember,
that you should not go chasing after these silly women who know only how to cause
the ruin of men.
96What have you been doing this afternoon?
97I have been here, at home, passing the hours weeping.
98Have you seen our brother?
99He has not been here since this morning.
100I simply cannot tolerate his inattention.
101Think no more of it. Sometimes it is best to suffer in silence. He is our older brother,
and we live off his fortune.
102Well, if you are not upset, then neither am I. I was only worried about you. Since
you think that he and I can mend our friendship, I shall go see him and perhaps even
engage in some diversion with him.
(Exit Luis.)
103In light of this cruel shock, my lady, what have you to say about what is going on
in our own house? The one who defended your life today is now a wounded guest in your
104I suspected as much, Isabel, when I heard my brother’s account of the incident and
when I saw that our guest was wounded. But I could not bring myself to believe it.
What an extraordinary coincidence that a man should come to Madrid, that a woman should
immediately ask him to defend her life, that one brother should wound him and another
should give him shelter. This is all too much! Although it may be true, I shall not
believe it until I see it with my own eyes.
105If you are determined to discover the truth, I know how you can see him, and even
more, if you wish.
106You are mad. How, if his room is so far from my own?
107There is a way to get from one room to the other. Do not be alarmed.
108Not because I want to see him, but only because I am just generally curious, tell
me, how? I hear you, but I do not believe you.
109Have you not heard that your brother had a cupboard built over the door?
110I think I understand your plan. You want us to make a hole in a plank of the cupboard
so that we can see into his room?
111Oh, it’s much better than that.
113Your brother closed up and covered over the door that was here and that led to the
garden, but he also wanted a way to be able to open the door again at a later time.
He had built a movable cupboard. Even though it is covered with mirrors, it slides
open and shut quite easily. I know it well because once I was cleaning the cupboard
and had placed a ladder against it. It started moving under my weight little by little
until we all fell: me, the ladder, and the cupboard. I left the cupboard in such a
state that, by moving it, anyone can pass through the door.
114Before I prove the truth of your words, I need to know more. If I want to go to the
other room, and have moved the cupboard, can it be moved from the other side as well?
115Of course. What makes it even better is that I have set two nails that are easy to
remove, but only those who know to remove them can move the cupboard.
116Tell the servant who brings him candles and linens to let you know if and when our
guest leaves the house. If I am right, his wound will not require him to stay in bed.
117My God! Will you actually go?
118I have a foolish desire to know if he is the one who saved my life. If I have caused
him concern and he has even spilled his blood for me, Isabel, it is right that I see
after his wound. I hope to return the favor, but I must be certain that I shall not
be found out. Let us go; I want to see this cupboard. If I can pass from one room
to the other, I shall take care, without his realizing it, to repay his kindness.
119This is going to be an adventure! What if he figures it out?
120He will not. A man whose strength I assume to be equal to his nobility and discretion
since he proved his worth to me in my first meeting with him, a man who is valiant
and daring, bold and gallant, a man so richly endowed is not going to cause me to
reveal my secret. It would be a notable waste for such a noble man to tell all he
knows to anyone who passes by.
[Manuel’s room]
(Enter Juan, Manuel and a servant with a candle.)
121Get some rest, for God’s sake.
122This wound is nothing, Juan. Honestly, it is unseemly for me to pay it any mind at
123I thank my stars that it is nothing worse than that, for I could never be consoled
if my happiness in seeing you came at the cost of having you indisposed in my house
and seeing you with your hand wounded, not by me, but by my brother.
124He is a worthy gentleman. I am envious of his ability with a sword and his noble style,
and I hope to be a good friend to him and his servant.
(Enter Luis and a servant with a covered basked with a sheathed sword inside.)
125Sir, I am your humble servant, and I hope to demonstrate the pain I feel by dedicating
my life to you. So that the instrument that caused your wound not remain in my power,
since it can no longer serve me nor please me, I shall send it from me much as one
would an unworthy servant who causes his master some displeasure. This, Sir, is the
sword that wounded you. I offer it to you and ask you to forgive it, if it is at all
blameworthy. With it, take your revenge against me and against it.
126You are most noble and discreet; I am won over. I accept the sword so that it may
show me how to be valiant. I intend to live confident from this day forward, for who
would not feel safe with your sword at his side? Of it alone was I afraid.
127Since Luis has showed me how to treat a guest properly, I hope you will receive another
gift from me.
128I can never hope to repay such generosity. You seem to be competing to shower me with
(Enter Cosme, laden with baggage)
129May two hundred thousand demons give testimony of their infernal fury and turn against
me two hundred thousand snakes who might seize me and send me on my way to the great
beyond if I would not rather live in peace in Galicia or Asturias than in this city
and this court.
131Porter reporting for duty.
132What are you talking about?
133Just what I said. The one who gives passage to his enemy is a traitor.
134What enemy? Wait.
135The water from one fountain or another.
136Water upsets you?
137Here I am, lost beneath this mountain of baggage, when of course I trip against the
foot of a fountain and end up filthy. These things are not fit to bring indoors.
138Get out of here, you’re drunk.
139If I were drunk, I wouldn’t be so angry at the water. I read in a book that fountains
sometimes have their water transformed into other things. It wouldn’t be so bad to
see a fountain have its water turned into wine.
140If he gets started, he will not finish in a year.
141He has an odd sense of humor.
142I would like to know something. If you can read, since you mentioned a book, why did
you stop me at such an inopportune moment to read a letter?
143Well, I know how to read from books, but not from letters.
145Please pay him no mind, for the love of God. You will come to know him and see that
he is a joker.
146I hope to make my jokes famous. You are welcome to them.
147If it is not too late, I should like to pay a visit, one of some importance to me.
148I hope to see you again for dinner.
149Cosme, don’t get anything dirty with the mud from that baggage when you open it and
take out my clothing.
151If you wish to lock your room, here is the key. I have a master key because I frequently
come home late, after two, but you may be sure that this is the only key and that
there is no other door. If you leave it in the lock, the servants will come daily
to clean.
(Exeunt Luis, Juan, and Manuel)
152Where are you, my little fortune? I want to see you first of all and determine how
much we have pilfered along the way. People in roadside inns do not look after every
little thing as carefully as they do in private houses. There is a greater opportunity
for benefit by putting my hand, not on my heart, but in another’s purse.
(He opens a suitcase and pulls out a purse.)
Here it is! Safe and sound. Just this morning it was a maiden and now, look, it’s
quite pregnant. Let’s have a count. No, that’s not necessary. After all, it’s not
as though I have just sold my master some sheep and need to figure the amount down
to the last coin. What I have is what I have. Well, then. His suitcase is over there.
I need to take out clothes in case he goes to bed soon. He ordered me to do that,
but just because he ordered it, do I have to do it quickly? Just because he ordered
it doesn’t mean I have to do it at all, for I am a servant. I could just as easily
go out to a local tavern for a bit. Would you like that, Cosme? Why yes! Then let’s
go, because our wishes come before our masters’.
(Exit. The cupboard moves and from behind it emerge Angela and Isabel.)
153Rodrigo said the room was empty; the guest and your brothers left.
154I would have done this just to have this adventure!
155You see that there is no trouble getting from one room to the other.
156All the troubles I envisioned, Isabel, were groundless. We met no resistance at all.
The door opens and closes easily and no one is the wiser.
157Why have we come?
158Just to have a look and come right back. For two women to create some mischief they
only have to think about it. We are here just because we happened to speak of it a
couple of times. I am determined, if in fact this gentleman is the one who risked
his personal safety for me, to repay his attention.
159Here is the gift your brother gave him, and a sword on a desk.
160Come here. They brought my writing desk here?
161Yes. They thought he might like to write a message, or read a book.
162There are two suitcases on the floor.
163Open, too! Shall we see what is in them?
164Yes. It is foolish, but I want to see what clothing and other finery he has.
165He’s a soldier and a pretender at court. I doubt he has much to look at.
(They take the things out of the suitcases as they talk about them, and strew them
about the room)
167Sheets of paper.
169No, madam. Just bound documents. They are quite heavy.
170Well, if they were from a woman, they would be more lightweight. Do not waste your
time on them.
171There is some underwear.
172Does it smell good?
173Yes, it smells clean.
174That is the best perfume.
175It has all three qualities: thin, white, and soft. Madam, what is this leather case
full of various instruments?
176Let me see. This thing looks like dentist’s pliers. These are tweezers, that is a
curling iron for his hair and here is another one for his moustache.
177Here is a brush and comb. This man comes prepared. I wouldn’t be surprised to find
shoe trees!
179Because here they are.
181Yes, my lady, a second pouch full of letters.
182Let me see. These are from a woman, and there is more than letters. Here is a portrait!
183That fascinates you?
184Just seeing beauty, even painted, is a pleasure.
185It seems that finding it has troubled you.
186How foolish you are. Look no further.
187What are you thinking?
188I shall leave him a note. Take this portrait.
(She starts writing.)
189Meanwhile, I’m going to check out the servant’s bag. This is money: coins, but of
little value. In a world where doubloons are king, these are peasants. I think I’ll
play a little trick. I’m going to take the lackey’s money and leave in its place some
coals. You may wonder where I’ll get coals, but remember, this is winter and there
is a brazier in the room.
190There! All done! Where should I leave this letter so that our guest will find it but
my brother will not?
191Here, underneath the bedspread. When he turns it down, he cannot help but find it,
but no one else will see it.
192Good idea! Put it there and pick these things up.
193Look! They are turning the lock!
194Leave all this, then. We must hide. Come, Isabel.
195May the cupboard protect me!
(Exeunt through the cupboard, which appears as it did at first. Enter Cosme.)
196Now that I have taken care of myself I am more of a mind to do my master’s bidding—and
I won’t even charge him extra! But wait! Who has been in our room tossing our things
about? Christ's blood! Our nice little room with our nice little possessions… now
it all looks like a Turkish bazaar! Who is here? There is no one, by God, or if there
is someone, he does not wish to answer. Fine. Don’t answer me. I am proud to say I
don’t much care for talkers. Whatever it may be, to tell the truth, I am trembling
like a leaf. On the other hand, if the intruder leaves me my money, let him make his
mischief a thousand times a thousand. But what’s this? God’s wounds! My money converted
into coals? Here now, little spirit! Whoever you were and are, turn your money into
anything you desire, but the money I steal... why?
(Enter Juan, Luis and Manuel.)
197Why are you shouting?
199What has happened? Speak!
200A pretty situation this! Why did you invite us to stay here in a room already occupied
by a ghost? I was absent for just a second, and I returned to discover the clothing
as you see it, strewn about. It looks like a clearance sale!
201Is anything missing?
202Nothing. Just the money that I had in this purse. It was mine, and now it has been
turned into coals.
203I see. This is another one of your jokes.
204What a cold and graceless deception.
205How evil and impertinent.
206It is no joke. For the love of God.
207Quiet. This is so like you.
208That’s true, although I am also accustomed to being sane from time to time.
209I’ll take my leave, Manuel. Have a good night, and may the spirit of the house watch
over you. And do advise your servant that we expect more of his wit in the future.
210It is not for nothing that you are as valiant as you are if you have to spend all
your waking moments solving the disputes and problems created by this fool.
211You see how they treat me because of you? Everyone thinks me a madman because I put
up with you. Wherever I go, a thousand misfortunes befall me on your account.
212We are now alone; there is no reason to deceive you. You cannot finesse a card trick
with only two players. May two thousand devils take me if it is not true that when
I left, someone or something entered and created this mess.
213You just want me to forgive you. Pick up these things you have strewn about and get
ready for bed.
214Sir, may I end up a galley slave....
215Enough! Hush, or, as God is my witness, I’ll break your head open!
(Exit into the alcove.)
216It’s bad enough that I should have gone through such a trauma, but now I have to put
back everything in these suitcases. Good heavens! May my money come back from the
dead just as it will on Judgment Day!
(Manuel returns with a sheet of paper.)
217A light, Cosme.
218What is it, sir? Have you perhaps discovered someone else in the house?
219I went to get ready for bed, Cosme, and I discovered under my bedspread this sealed
note. The address on the envelope has me fascinated.
221Me, but the strange manner of its words has me entranced.
222What does it say?
(Reads.) “Let no one open me, for I belong only to Manuel.”
224God Almighty! And you didn’t believe me! Do not open it, I beseech you, without first
exorcising its evil.
225Cosme, what has me transfixed is its novelty, not its fearfulness. He who admires
something cannot fear it.
(Reads.) “Your well-being has me preoccupied, since I was the cause of your misfortune. Appreciative
but worried, I beseech you to tell me how you are and to call on me. There will be
occasion for both if you leave your answer where you found this note. Be warned that
secrecy is paramount, because the day that one of your friends discovers this, my
life and my honor will be forfeit.”
228You don’t find this strange?
229Not at all. This actually clears up a few mysteries.
231It is quite clear that the veiled lady who was fleeing Luis so blindly and so desperately,
was his lady, Cosme. She cannot be his wife because he is unmarried. And since this
is quite certain, how difficult is it to imagine that his lady should have access
to her beloved’s house?
232That’s all very well and good, but it doesn’t calm my nerves. Let’s say she is his
lady and the encounter happened as you say. But how was she able, from her position
on the sidewalk, to know what was going to happen in order to have this note prepared
and waiting for you on your bed?
233After our meeting, she could have given it to a servant.
234Even if she had done that, how did a servant get in here to place it? No one entered
the entire time I was in here.
235It could have happened earlier.
236Of course. But finding the suitcases and our clothing cast about here and there, not
to mention the note, leads me to suspect something more.
237See if the windows are locked.
238Locked, and with iron grates on the outside.
239You leave me with greater doubts and a thousand suspicions.
241I do not know how to explain them.
242And now, what are you to do?
243I intend to write an answer to this note in order to find out the truth of the situation.
I shall use a style that conceals any astonishment or fear on my part. I have no doubt,
since paper is involved, that we shall have occasion to see who brings it and takes
it away.
244And should we not tell our hosts?
245No. I do not wish to cause the slightest problem for this woman, since she trusted
her honor to me.
246Then you prefer to dishonor the man you consider to be her beloved?
247No, not that either. Without causing her any problem I can still carry out my plan.
248No, sir. There is more here than you know of, and every moment my suspicion grows.
250You see that papers come and go around here with no visible way in or out. How do
you suppose that happens?
251There exists some trick or artifice for entering and leaving, for opening and closing,
somewhere in the room. I may lose my mind if I do not figure out how this happens,
Cosme, but I shall never believe it is a supernatural phenomenon.
252Are there no spirits?
253No one has seen them.
255Just fantasies.
270I know, by God, now I’ve got you! Devils?
271Not that I know of.
272Are there souls in purgatory?
273That fall in love with me? Is there greater lunacy? Leave me alone; I am tired.
274So, what have you decided?
275To be attentive, day and night; to be exceedingly cautious. I base my discovery of
the truth on this. There is no need to resort to spirits or sorceresses.
276Well, I do assume that some demon is involved. And it appears that he can come and
go, bring things and take them, all in a puff of smoke.
Act II
[Angela’s room]
Enter Angela, Beatriz, and Isabel
277What extraordinary tales!
278You have not even heard the most remarkable part! Where were we?
279You had just passed through the cupboard into their room. It is difficult to imagine
that it was so easy to open the cupboard, write him a note, and find the answer the
following day.
280I tell you honestly, I have never seen such a courtly and gallant style, mixing the
humorous with the astonishing, imitating knights errant to whom such adventures were
commonplace. This, Beatriz, is the letter. I hope you like it.
(Reads.) “Most beauteous damsel, in whatever way you may have been aggrieved by this, your
faithful servant, may you lessen his hardships by your ample piety. Pray make known
to me the identity of the evil malefactor or pagan conjurer who imprisons you in this
enchantment, such that, now that my earlier wounds have healed, I might present myself
as your defender in single and terrible combat, even though I may perish in the pursuit.
Life is no better than death, if a knight have not honor. May the giver of light hold
you safe and forget me not. The Knight of the Phantom Lady.”
281My heavens! What a style, with the language of enchantment and adventure!
282I waited for this note with the greatest fear and doubt, but when I found in him a
willingness to proceed, I decided to continue in the same fashion. By way of answer,
I sent...
283Wait, go no further. Your brother Juan is coming.
284He comes no doubt to express his pleasure at your visit, Beatriz. As a faithful suitor,
he welcomes you to his house.
285I am not unhappy about that, if truth be told.
(Enter Juan.)
286Every cloud has a silver lining, according to the old adage. In this case it is quite
true, for the clouds of your troubles have given rise to a silver lining for me. Lovely
Beatriz, I have discovered that a problem that you have with your father has brought
you, without joy or pleasure, to our house. I deeply regret that my happiness in seeing
you should come at the expense of your ill fortune. It is not right that I should
be so elated because of your misery. But love today produces various effects: unhappiness
for you, ecstasy for me. It’s just like the snake that has not only venom but also
the antidote to treat it. You are most welcome here. Although your stay may be short,
it’s always a joy to see the sun accompanied by an angel.
287You have so thoroughly confused your welcome with your regrets that I know not how
to respond. It is true I come because of my father. You were to blame. Although he
does not know it was you, he does know that I spoke with someone from the balcony
last night. While he gets over his rage, he wishes me to spend time with my cousin,
taking refuge in the great confidence he has in her. This alone shall I tell you;
let this suffice. I, too, can find good in ill. Love causes contradictory effects
in me as well. Just as the sun, when it sends forth its beautiful rays, causes one
flower to bloom and another to wither, so too does love wound my heart at the same
time that I most happy to find myself in your house, which has always been like a
glittering diamond, outshining the sun, a worthy setting for an angel.
288How clearly one sees the riches you two take from love. By merely standing near you,
I too receive a windfall of affection.
289Do you know what I think, Angela? Just to avenge the problems that my houseguest has
caused you, you cunningly invited a houseguest of your own, one sure to cause me no
end of grief.
290You speak truly, but I have done so only so that you may shower her with gifts.
291I am exceedingly pleased with your punishment.
(He starts to leave.)
292What are you doing, Juan? Where are you going?
293Beatriz, to serve you. Only the obligation to serve you could make me leave.
295Until we meet again.
296If he thinks he caused me troubles with his houseguest, he is quite right. But they
will be no less than the troubles he creates for himself because of you. I hope to
use our guest to take away all our troubles. That way, guest for guest, we shall be
297I still want to know more about your guest!
298To make a long story short, notes, both mine and his, came and went. His were so remarkable,
I’ve never seen such a hodgepodge of truth and lies.
299And in the end, what does he make of the situation?
300He believes that I must be Luis’s lady since I was hiding from him but I have the
key to his house.
301There is only one more problem I see.
303How is it possible that this gentleman, seeing that someone is bringing and taking
away papers, has not spied you or, worse, caught you red-handed?
304That is not so hard to explain. At the door to his room I station a servant who lets
me know who enters and who leaves. Thus, Isabel does not go through the cupboard until
I know that no one is in the room. That poor servant has spent an entire day watching,
all in vain. Oh! But while I’m thinking of Isabel, would you mind taking her this
basket. It’s just about time.
305One more doubt: How is it possible that you praise this gentleman as so intelligent
when he has not been able to figure out the secret of the cupboard?
306Surely you’ve heard of the egg, that more than one genius tried to stand on its end,
and along came a simple man who gave it just one tap and it stood right up? The greatest
problems are just that until they are solved. If one knows the trick, everything is
307Another question.
309What do you hope to gain by such tomfoolery?
310I’m not sure. I should say I would like to appear grateful for his help, but unfortunately
I have become a bit jealous of a portrait of a lady that he has with him. I am of
a mind to enter and seize it at the first opportunity. I know not how else to say
that I am determined to enter so that he may see me and speak to me.
311And recognize you for who you are?
312May the saints protect me! I should say not! A friend would not commit such treason
to a guest. Just the thought that I am his host’s lady makes his writing to me timid,
courtly, confused, and cowardly. I certainly do not wish to make the situation worse.
313Then how is he to see you?
314Listen, and I shall tell you the most astonishing plan by which I run no risk of being
caught in his room. He will come here, but he will not know how.
315Add another brother to the mix. Here comes Luis.
316I’ll tell you later.
317How fickle are the fortunes of love! How curious that heaven should in equal measure
throw up such obstacles. The same desire pleases one and annoys the other. Let us
go. I do not want Luis to speak to me here.
(She begins to exit; Luis enters.)
318Why are you leaving?
319Because you entered.
320The most beautiful, the purest light ever captured from the sun flees because I enter?
Am I the dark of night? May your beauty forgive me if I tarry here, bold and discourteous,
to beseech a favor from you that you will not grant. Knowing of your cruelty, my desire
cannot hope that even the smallest courtesy may be well received. I realize that my
foolish love finds not one atom of hope in your disdain. But in the face of such rejection,
I must persist in loving you. You shall give me greater glory, even when you offer
me more tribulation, for as much as you detest me, that much more shall I love you.
If this makes you unhappy, that the two of us should end up sharing a single love,
then, between the extremes of passion and despair, learn to love or teach me to hate.
You will teach me cruelty; I shall teach you generosity. You will teach me bitterness;
I shall teach you sweetness. You, disdain; I, love. You, indifference; I, the firmest
faith. For it is better, and gives greater glory to love that you should be indifferent
for the both of us than that I should love for the both of us.
321Your complaints are so sweet that, although I should like to be swayed by your troubles,
I cannot just because you speak them.
322You treat me so badly, from you have I learned the language of despair.
323It is good that you continue, for in such a manner will your eloquent disdain cure
your impertinent disposition.
(She begins to leave; Luis stops her.)
324You have your revenge, now let us both suffer.
325I cannot listen to you more. For God’s sake, cousin, stop him.
326You have so little valor that you should want to hear and see such a thing?
327Oh, Angela! What am I to do?
328Forget Beatriz. To love someone who hates you is not love but death.
(Exit Angela with Isabel.)
329How can I forget her if I still suffer? That is the problem. Tell her to do me a small
favor, and I shall forget her with great appreciation. Even the most prudent, the
wisest man gives words to his feelings, but I cannot abandon her in my misery. If
one can forget a favor more easily, it is because a favor does not sting with the
same intensity as an insult.
(Luis leaves the room and enters a patio, where he runs into Rodrigo.)
330What’s going on with you?
332You look so sad. Will you not tell me the cause?
333I spoke with Beatriz.
334Say no more. I can see in your face how it went. But, where is she? I have not seen
335The vixen is a houseguest of my sister for a few days, just so that my problems with
guests will be complete. Every day it seems my brother or my sister conspires against
me to bring someone else to our house. Whoever they bring, it is bad for me. Manuel...,
you know the story. Now with Beatriz, the heavens have decided to bring jealousy into
the house as well.
336Careful! Manuel might hear you; here he comes.
(Enter Manuel.)
337(Aside) Am I, alone in all the world, the target of such prodigious misfortune? What shall
I do to extract myself from these deceptions? How shall I find out once and for all
whether this woman is Luis’s lady, and how she has had the wit and the ability to
carry out such intrigues?
340Where are you coming from in such a good mood?
342I should have known better than to ask a pretender at court about his goings and comings.
The palace is clearly the center of your universe.
343If I only went to court, I would be in less of a hurry. But my affairs have taken
on a certain urgency. His Majesty has left this afternoon for the palace at Escorial,
and now it is of the utmost importance that I follow him.
344If I can be of any assistance, you know that you may count on me.
345I thank you greatly for all you have done for me.
346It is not just a courtesy, I assure you.
347I see you wish me well in my pursuits.
348So true… (Aside) (…and the sooner you leave the better.)
349But it is not right to take a gentleman such as yourself away from his affairs. I
know for a fact that there is something, or someone, of importance to you here. It
would be most unfair to take you away.
350Had you overhead my conversation with Rodrigo, you might think differently.
352Quite so. Although it is true that I weep on account of the cruelty of a great beauty,
her disdain for me causes me as much torment as her favors.
353Are you in such despair?
354I love a great beauty, but without luck or hope of success.
355Are you joking?
356I would to heaven that I were. But I was born under such an unlucky star that this
beauty flees from me as the veil of night hurries from the lovely light of day, in
whose rays I burn. Would you like to know how extreme my misfortune is? Just so that
I might not be able to follow her, someone stopped me and kept me from her. Tell me
if anyone has worse luck than mine. Most men use go-betweens to help them spend time
with their ladies. She uses go-betweens to avoid me.
(Exeunt Luis and Rodrigo.)
357What more does he need to declare? A woman who fled from his sight? Another person
who interrupted him and kept him from her? He is clearly talking about her and me.
At least I have solved part of the puzzle. I now see that she is not his lady, because
he would not be so miserable without her if she lived in his own house. But this makes
the enigma even greater. If she is not his lady and if she does not live in his house,
how then does she write to me? One doubt dies and another is born. What shall I do?
This is a confusion of confusions. God protect us from women.
(Enter Cosme.)
358Sir, what has happened to our spook? Have you by any chance seen him around here?
As long as I know he is not in our room, I’m happy.
360But I have so much to do in our room, and I can’t enter.
363A man should be afraid?
364No, he shouldn’t be, but here I am anyway, and for good reason, too.
365Please stop your witty remarks, and bring a light, because I have to get ready and
write some letters. Tonight I leave Madrid.
366That’s interesting. Sounds to me like you’re afraid too.
367I have told you before that I pay no attention to you. I have other things on my mind,
and here you are just wasting my time. When I say good-bye to Juan, fetch a lamp.
368Indeed I shall, and I’ll shed some light on the ghost, too, and not a moment too soon.
There’s bound to be a match around here. I’ll just light up that lamp over there.
I’m really on top of things now, if only I could stop shaking with fear.
[Manuel’s room]
Enter Isabel through the cupboard with a covered basket.
369They are all out of the house, according to the servant. I have to put this basket
of clean linens in the designated place. Heavens! It’s so dark tonight that I’m afraid
of my own presence. My God, I’m trembling, and I must be the first spirit ever who
swears to God! I cannot find the desk. But what’s this? With my mind in a turmoil
and my heart full of fear, I’ve lost my bearing in this room. I have no idea where
I am. Where is the table? What am I to do? Oh, no! If I am not able to get out and
they find me here, the whole elaborate plan will fall apart. I am greatly afraid,
and even more now that I hear someone opening the door. The game is over. I can neither
hide nor find my way out.
Enter Cosme with a lamp.
370Oh, spirit, my master, if perhaps my pleas do not fall on the deaf ears of a high-born
spook, I humbly beseech you not to remember me in your enchantments. I ask you this
for four reasons.
(Cosme walks around the stage with Isabel hiding from him by following behind him.) First, I know why; second, you know why; third, everyone knows why; fourth, here’s
a poem I just remembered:
Ghost lady, ghost lady,
please have pity upon me!
I am just a young lad,
and hope that safe I’ll be.
371(Aside) Now with the light I can reconnoiter the room. He still hasn’t seen me. If I put the
light out I know I can escape while he tries to relight it. He may hear some noise,
but at least he won’t see me. At this point, I’ll take what I can get.
372Fear has made me a pretty good poet!
373(Aside) Here we go!
(Isabel strikes Cosme and extinguishes the candle.)
374My God, she’s killed me. Call a priest! Confession!
375Now’s my chance to escape!
Isabel begins to leave when Manuel enters.
376What is going on here? Cosme, what are you doing here in the darkness?
377The spirit has killed us both: the light with a puff of air, me with a crushing blow!
378Your fear causes you to imagine things.
379Then my imagination will be the death of me!
380(Aside) Oh, if only I could find the door!
(Isabel bumps into Manuel; he ends grabs the basket of linens.)
382(Aside) This is going from bad to worse. Now I run into his master.
383Cosme, go get a light. I have the intruder in my grasp.
384Don’t let him go!
385I won’t, but hurry!
Exit Cosme.
386(Aside) He took my basket; well, he can have it. There’s the cupboard! At last!
Exit Isabel; Manuel is left holding the basket.
387Whoever you are, be still until there is light. If not, by heaven, I shall have to
run you through with my dagger. But, there is nothing here but something lightweight,
something with linens in it. What on earth? My God, I have never been so confused!
Enter Cosme with a light.
388Let’s see this phantom in the light! But, where is he? Didn’t you have him captive?
What happened? Where is he? Sir, what in the devil is going on?
389I cannot answer. He left me these linens, then fled.
390And what do you make of this situation? You just now said that you had him in control,
and he vanished!
391I must admit that that person, who enters and leaves with extraordinary guile and
cunning, was in fact captured here tonight. But, in order to escape, he blew out your
light, left me with this basket, and fled.
393Through the door.
394You are driving me mad. I saw him in the dying light of my candle.
395What did he look like?
396He was a little, bitty monk, wearing a great big hood. That’s why I think our spook
must be a Capuchin friar.
397The things fear drives one to! Bring the light. Let’s see what our little friar left
us. Here, hold this basket.
398You want me to hold this basket from hell?
399Just be quiet and hold it.
400My hands are dirty, Sir, from the candle wax. I’ll surly soil the fine linen that
covers it. Perhaps you should put it on the floor!
401It’s fresh linens… and a note! Let’s see if our friar is discreet:
(Reads) “In the brief time that you have lived in this house, no one has yet brought you fresh
linens. As they are made ready, they will be brought to you. Regarding your supposition
about your friend, since you are sure that I am Luis’s lady, I can assure you that
not only am I not his lady, but that I cannot be. I leave the rest for when we meet,
which will be soon. God be with you.” Well, at least the spirit is a Christian, since
he speaks of God!
402You see? A religious spirit!
403It’s getting late. Collect all these suitcases and cushions, and put these papers
with them
(He gives him some papers). They are the reason we are here at court. But first I intend to send an answer to
our spirit.
(Cosme puts the papers on a chair; Manuel writes.)
404I’ll put them right here so that I won’t forget them and they’ll be right at hand.
But I have to rest a moment. Tell me one thing: do you believe in ghosts?
405What foolishness!
406Foolishness? You yourself can see the effects. You’re sitting there with a letter
that came to you out of nowhere, and still you doubt? Fine, if that makes you happy.
As for me, I’m a believer; I’ve suffered the most,
408Just look at us. If they rifle through our clothing, you laugh at the intrusion, but
I have to repack everything, which is no small job. If they leave you papers, you’re
impressed by the wit. Me, they leave coals and take my money. If they bring you sweets,
you’re as pleased as a father to accept them. I get nothing, and I’m hungry as a wolf.
They give you fine shirts and handkerchiefs of linen. I get nothing but scary surprises.
We both came to this room at about the same time, but you get a basket of clean linens,
smelling as sweet as springtime. I get a slap in the face, a blow so hard and strong
that I practically spit up my brains. All the pleasure and the profit go to you; the
pain and suffering are all mine. The ghost treats you with kid gloves; I get the brass
knuckles. So just let me believe what I will. There is nothing more painful to watch
than a man who won’t believe what’s happening right before his eyes.
409Just pack the suitcases, so we may go. I shall wait for you in Juan’s room
410What is there to pack? Everyone dresses in black, just as you are already. All you
need is a black cloak.
411Leave the room locked and take the key with you. If I need the key, Juan has another
one. I hate to leave in such confusion, not knowing the truth of the matter. But the
honor of my estate and my chances at court take precedence over an idle curiosity.
Indeed, honor trumps everything else.
[Angela’s room]
Enter Angela, Beatriz, and Isabel.
412It happened just like that?
413I saw the whole artifice going up in flames. If he had seen me, it would have been
necessary to confess everything. As it turned out, I was able to escape in the manner
I just related.
415It is simply incredible to think that you could give a man a basket of linens without
his seeing you!
416If after all this I am able to arrange for him to see me as we planned, I have no
doubt that he will surely lose his mind.
417Even the most serious person would be astonished by these goings-on, Angela. You want
to call him to a place without telling him where so that he can find himself with
a beautiful lady, rich and famous, without knowing who she is or where she is from.
Then, cloaked and blind, he is to be led away to stew in his confusion. This is what
comes out of that head of yours? I am in awe!
418Everything is just as you said. But since you are here with me, tonight will not be
the night of our meeting.
419I can keep the secret of your love!
420No, cousin, that’s not the reason. With you in our house, and with my brothers buzzing
about you hopelessly in love, idolizing the very ground you walk on, it would be entirely
too risky. I’ll have to wait until they leave.
(Enter Luis, who eavesdrops from the side of the stage.)
421(Aside) Good God! Who can suppress his desires? Who can rein in his thoughts, control his
tongue, and imprison his feelings? Since I am beside myself, surely I cannot. But
let me try to conquer my passion. I shall just watch from here.
422Let me tell you how to get rid of them but still let me be present. I would hate to
miss the conclusion of this marvelous adventure.
424(Aside) What are these two scheming? My heart is in my throat with anticipation.
425We shall both say that my father has sent for me, and we shall make a great show of
my leaving, but secretly I shall hide in the house and no one will know I am here.
426(Aside) Heavens, what is this that threatens the honor of this house?
427Under the cover of secrecy, I shall be able to see what happens.
428(Aside) Oh, cruel fortune!
429I look so forward to it!
430But what do we say in order to bring you out of hiding?
431I am shocked you would ask! No doubt we can think of something later!
432(Aside) No doubt. That I should have to listen to this! The torment and suffering surpass
all limits.
433This way, in secret and with no witnesses, I shall see you fulfill your love. With
me hidden and the household unsuspecting, he will have no trouble passing from his
room to yours.
434(Aside) It is easy to infer her intention. What a coward I am! I am undone! Would that I had
never listened! My fortunate brother deserves Beatriz more. But what jealousy! She
prefers to offer herself to him and thus quench both their desires. Thus she arranges
for him to pass from his room to hers without anyone noticing. I can scarcely contain
my anger! And so that no one might be a witness they succeed in making real my suspicions.
My enemies want to keep the secret from me! By God, if that is the way it is, I shall
not allow it. The next time that she is hidden, hoping for another meeting, I shall
keep close watch over the entire house until I find her. The fires of jealousy that
consume me allow for no alternative. Placing obstacles in their way is the last refuge
of the jealous man. Holy saints protect me! Consumed by love, I’m dying of jealousy.
435Everything is set up. Tomorrow we shall announce your departure.
(Enter Juan.)
436Angela! And the lovely Beatriz!
437Just the man we were hoping to see.
438If my absence causes you to enjoy my presence even more, then may you miss me more
often, madam. I am suspicious, no, envious, of my own good luck. It is simply not
possible that I deserve your affection. Envious and envied, I fall into such a sweet
abyss that I both envy and pity myself.
439It would not be right to contradict such sweet arguments, Juan, from one who has put
off seeing me for so long as to have forgotten me. Is there any doubt that you were
engaged in your own amusements? It must be so, for you profess both to envy and pity
your good fortune, while at the same time you cast aside the beauty that gives you
such pleasure. Your clear and convincing syllogism proves your pity and your envy.
440If it would not offend both you and me, Beatriz, I would tell you that I have been
with my guest, Manuel, who has left us tonight.
442You are surprised, sister?
443A pleasure startles as much as a displeasure.
444I regret that your heart’s desire has not been fulfilled; he will return tomorrow.
445(Aside.) A vain hope is revived. — I was not afraid on account of his leaving. His comings and goings are always inopportune.
446I did not think that you were. It is just that you and Luis show nothing but displeasure
at the visit of this friend that causes me such pleasure.
447I do not know how to answer you, although I feel as though I must. I think I should
retire from your game of love. Three’s company, and you have made of me a go-between,
when love is most enjoyable when played as a two-handed game, one on one. Isabel,
come with me. — (Aside) This very night shall we retrieve the portrait. We shall have more time and fewer
interruptions. Bring me a light and show me where to hide. A man who writes me letters
has no business possessing the portrait of another lady. The insult!
Exeunt Angela and Isabel.
448I do not believe that I owe you such kindness.
449I shall prove the strength of my commitment —which is substantial— with words.
451Listen, my love. Beautiful Beatriz, my faith is so certain, my love so steadfast,
my affection so extraordinary, that even if I did not wish to love you, against my
own will and desire would I love you still. My life now depends upon yours so much
that if I could forget you, I would, just so that I might fall in love with you all
over again. Would that I could experience again the happy, mad rush of new love. He
who loves a woman only when he cannot forget her, does not oblige her to love him
in return, since without the possibility of choice determined by free will, it cannot
be called love. Yet I cannot possibly get your beauty out of my mind, Beatriz, and
I am left to despair that the stars swell with pride at the victory of your love over
my free will.
452If choices were due to free will, and forces to the influence of the stars, she who
lives not subject to fortune would have a stronger will than mine. I cannot trust
your kindness since my faith, which can overcome impossible obstacles, would deny
that it were my own if my will were not accompanied by it. During that brief instant
spent in forgetting you so that I might fall in love with you again, my heart would
feel my life slipping away. I am delighted to have no part in putting you out of my
mind since I could not love you while I tried to forget you.
[The street outside Juan’s house]
(Enter Manuel, chasing Cosme, who is trying to flee.)
453For God’s sake, if I had seen…
454That’s why you look.
455…that your incompetence was going to dishonor me, to make a fool of me!
456You know that I have served you well. Things happen, even to good Catholic servants!
457You are hopeless. The one thing that mattered most to me, the one thing I entrusted
to your safe-keeping, is the one thing that you forgot.
458That’s why I forgot it, because it was so important to me. If it weren’t so important,
why would I bother to forget it? I swear, I was so careful to collect all those papers
and set them aside. It was my care and attention that caused you all this misery.
If I hadn’t set them aside, I would have gathered them up with the rest.
459At least you remembered them… when we were half-way there!
460I was very worried. I knew something was wrong. I thought it was probably nothing
until I remembered that I forgot the papers.
461Tell the groom to wait with the horses. I do not wish to make a noisy entrance, waking
up the entire household that is surely asleep. Entering is no problem, since I have
the key. I should be able to retrieve my papers without troubling a soul.
462I already told the groom to wait. But look, sir, it’s a real mistake to try to find
those papers without light. There’s just no way to keep from making noise. If we can’t
find a candle or a lamp, how shall we see?
463Is there no end to the problems you cause? What, now you want me to call out and wake
the whole house? Do you not realize that you are to blame for all this? Where exactly
did you leave the papers?
464That’s no problem. I know exactly where I left them once we get in the room. I can
find them in the dark.
466What I don’t know is what that spook may have done with them. So far nothing I have
set down has been in the same place when I went back for it.
467If they are not there, then we shall ask for a light. Until we know for sure, it is
better to move quickly and, above all, quietly. I would hate to disturb our gracious
[Manuel’s room]
(Angela and Isabel enter through the cupboard.)
468Isabel, the house is now asleep and everything is as it should be. Our guest has left,
so now is the time to retrieve the portrait he had the very first time I saw him.
469Enter quietly. Be very careful.
470Go back through and lock the door to my room. In order not to create a stir, I shall
not move until you get back..
471Wait right here.
(Exit Isabel, who closes the cupboard. Enter Manuel and Cosme.)
473Walk softly. If they hear us, it will cause quite a scandal.
474I hope you believe me now when I tell you I’m afraid. The ghost could at least have
brought us a light.
475(Aside) Good thing I brought this lantern under my cloak so that no one could see it.
(With Angela on one side of the room and Manuel and Cosme on the other, Angela brings
out a lantern that she had hidden under her cloak.)
476This is the most accommodating goblin I’ve ever heard tell of. Look how quickly it
brings us a light! You’ll notice that the ghost likes you… he produces a light when
you need it. When I had one, he snuffed it out.
477Good heavens! This is unnatural and quite extraordinary. To have produced a light
so quickly is not human.
478You see? I told you you’d end up believing me.
479I am frozen with fear. We must go back.
480At least now we know you’re mortal since you finally showed fear.
481(Aside) Here is the table, covered with papers.
482The ghost is going toward the table.
483My God, I both doubt and believe what my eyes perceive.
484Look! It’s guiding us exactly to the things we are looking for. I wish we could see
who’s carrying the light.
(Angela removes the candle from the lantern and puts it in a candle holder on the
table. She takes a chair and sits with her back to the two men.)
485(Aside) I shall place the light here so I might see the desk.
486Wait. I can see everything by the light of that candle. I have never in my life seen
a lady so beautiful. My heavens! What is this that to my eyes appears? Her charms
are like the hydra: each one gives rise to a thousand more. What shall I do?
487She’s moving slowly. She’s drawing up a chair.
488She is the very image of the rarest beauty that the brush of the Almighty has ever
489True enough. She is His creation.
490Her eyes shine more brightly than lamplight.
491No doubt because her eyes are the stars in Lucifer’s sky.
492Her tresses are rays of the sun.
493She probably stole them from it.
494Each curl is a star.
495If you say so. Just remember, supernatural forces brought her here.
496I have never seen such loveliness.
497You wouldn’t say that if you could see her feet. They say that you can tell the devil
by his feet.
498She is a beautiful angel, a paragon of splendor.
499Still, I’d like to take a gander at those hooves.
500Wait. What is she doing with my papers?
501My guess is that she wants to see the very ones we have come back for. That way we
will have less to do. She is a very accommodating spirit.
502Heaven help me! I know not what to do! I have never before felt like such a coward.
504My feet are imprisoned in chains of ice. My every breath is like a dagger in my chest
and a rope around my neck. But why am I afraid? By God, I must attempt to break free
of this enchantment.
(He approaches Angela and grabs her.) Angel, demon, or woman! You shall not escape my grasp this time.
505(Aside) Oh, unhappy me! He had not really left the house. He has the advantage here.
506In the name of God (who brings the devil to his knees), tell us…
507(Aside) I must continue my deception.
508…who are you, and what do you want from us?
509Most generous Manuel Enríquez, for whom great good fortune lies in wait, touch me
not, approach me not, or you will lose the greatest gift that heaven has in store
for you. Fate has decreed that you should receive a great reward. I wrote to you this
afternoon, in my last letter, and told you that we should see each other soon, and
so it has come to pass. I have fulfilled my promise, since you see me here now in
the most human form that I can manage. So go now, leave me here in peace. The time
is not yet right for you to know and understand the truth of my situation. All will
be revealed tomorrow. But you must tell no one of our meeting lest you lose the greatest
blessing imaginable. Go in peace.
510Since she invites us so peaceably, what are we waiting for?
511(Aside) God in heaven! I have had enough of fearing empty shadows! Since my courage will not
stand for any more confusion, I must clear up the mystery. — Woman, whoever you may be, I shall never believe that you are anything else. But
by God I shall know who you are, how you have entered here, for what end, everything!
And I shall have the truth long before tomorrow. Woman or devil, I must persist. If
you are a devil, your threats no longer daunt me. But of course I know by your form
that you are not a devil but a woman.
512Is there a difference?
513Touch me not, or you will lose a great deal. play
514The devil’s right. She’s not a harp or a lute or a drum that will respond to your
515I shall see now by my sword whether or not you are a spirit. Even if should wound
you, it should not hurt you.
516No! Hold your sword, restrain your bloodthirsty arm. It is not right that you should
kill a wretched woman. I confess that that is what I am. Although love is a crime,
I do not deserve dying miserably just for loving well. Sully not with my blood the
brilliant steel of your sword.
518I must tell you. I cannot fulfill this love, this desire, this truth, and this faith,
as I hoped. But we are in danger of death if they see us or hear us. There is much
more to me than you see here. Thus it is necessary, in order to remove what obstacles
may be, to lock that door, sir, and the outer door as well, so that no one passing
by may see our light.
519Light the candle, Cosme, and let’s close these doors. You see that she is a woman
and not a ghost?
520Just as I said all along.
(Exeunt Manuel and Cosme.)
521Heavens! Now I am locked in this room. I suppose I shall have to tell him the truth
since Isabel has left me here alone and the guest has caught me.
(Isabel enters through the cupboard.)
522Psst! Madam! Your brother is asking for you.
523What luck! Open the other side of the cupboard. Ah, my love, you will have to live
with your doubts a bit longer.
(Exeunt, closing the cupboard as they leave. Enter Manuel and Cosme.)
524The doors are locked, madam. You may proceed. What? What the devil? Where is she?
525How should I know?
526Do you think she is in the alcove? Go take a look.
527It would be a great dishonor for me to walk in front of you.
528Then I shall go. Give me the candle.
(He takes the candle)
530How cruel is my fortune.
531Well, we know she didn’t leave by the doors.
532How could she have disappeared?
533Beats me. You see? Just as I told you: she is a devil, not a woman.
534I shall search this room from top to bottom until I find out if perhaps behind a painting
there is a crack in a wall, or perhaps the carpets conceal a cellar. I shall even
search the ceiling.
535The only thing I see is that cupboard.
536That cannot be it, since it is all made of glass. Help me look at everything else.
538No longer do I believe she is supernatural. She was afraid to die.
539But how do you explain that she predicted that we would return tonight and see her?
540She appeared as a shadow illuminated by a fantastic light, but, like all things human,
she was able to be seen and touched. Like a mortal she feared me, like a woman she
sought me out, like an illusion she deceived me, like a spirit she escaped me. If
I think about this matter too much, by God, I shall not know what to doubt or what
to believe.
543That woman is the devil; there’s nothing unusual about that. If a woman can be a devil
day in and day out, why should we be surprised that on this occasion the devil should
appear as a woman?
[Angela’s room]
(Enter Manuel in the dark, guided by Isabel, who leads him into a closet or inner
544Wait here. Madam will see you shortly.
(She leaves, closing the door.)
545What a turn of events! Did she close the door? Yes. Whose misfortune can equal mine?
Scarcely had I returned from El Escorial when this celestial apparition, this remarkable
enchantment, brought me light only to leave me in the deepest darkness of doubt. She
left me another letter, in which she declares so sweetly:
(Reads) “If you dare to come see me, it must be tonight, and without the servant who accompanies
you. Two men will await you in the cemetery of Saint Sebastian — this is the strange
part! — with a sedan chair.” And she did not lie. I followed her instructions, and
tried so hard to figure out what was going on that I went half mad. Finally I discovered
a portal full of horror, darkness, and fear. Alone and without any light at all, I
went through it. There I found a woman, at least it looked and sounded like a woman.
Feeling her way in the darkness, she guided me from room to room without speaking,
hearing, or seeing. But now I see light through a door jamb. Love, you have fulfilled
your desire..
(Looking into the main part of Angela’s room.) I see the lady and await an adventure. What an enchanted house! What lovely ladies!
What a sumptuous room! What riches! What beauty!
(Enter all the ladies with napkins, sweets, and water, making gestures of great reverence.
Enter Angela, very richly dressed.)
546[Aside] (To Beatriz) (Since you are hiding here in our house but my brothers assume that you have gone
home, your worries are unfounded. Once you are back home, you will have nothing to
547[Aside] (To Angela) (What is my role to be?)
548[Aside] (To Beatriz) (For the moment, that of my servant. Later, alone, we shall see what happens.)
549[Aside] (To Manuel.) —Are you unhappy to see me?)
550No, madam. He who awaits the dawn knows well that his joy lies just beyond the cold,
dark night. In like manner do I rejoice in my moment of darkness. The longer the wait,
the greater the satisfaction at daybreak. Yet it was not necessary for me to endure
the dark of night to be awed by the brilliance of your beauty. You shine with such
magnificence, that it is not possible for you to be eclipsed by shadow or night. You
are the day that dawns without need of any other sun. Flee the night, madam; greet
the birds that welcome the light that first illuminates the sky, turning ebony to
cobalt to aquamarine. Next comes the golden dawn, inflaming the sky with its delicate
rays of light. The sun appears, the sun that alone can brighten, gild, and burn. First
light follows night; the contact makes the rosy glow seem all the brighter. Dawn seeks
to build on the first rays of light. The sun, singular divinity, challenges the dawn,
and you, the sun. Thus I repeat that it was not necessary for me to endure the cold,
dark night to revel in your shining splendor that, even at this hour, rivals the sun
at mid-day.
551Although I should appreciate such a pretty speech, I must complain, and not in vain,
about such flattering excess. Since this is not heaven, or a sphere against whose
noble burning the wind tires itself but rather a simple house, your exaggerations
make me most suspicious. Likewise, I am not light, for I lack the laughter of pure
joy; I am not dawn, as you can tell by my tears of grief; I am not the sun, since
I shed no light on the truth I adore. Indeed, I know not what I am. I only know that
I am not light or dawn or sun, for today neither do I shine nor laugh nor weep. I
pray you, Manuel, tell them that I am and have been a woman whom you alone drive to
such extremes.
552It must not amount to very much, since although I came to see you here, I could argue
that I have more to regret, my lady, than to rejoice. You have offended me greatly,
554Yes, since you will not trust me with who you are.
555I ask you only that you not ask me that. I cannot tell you. If you wish to come speak
to me, it must on condition that you not know nor can you ask. I offer myself to you
today as an enigma, for neither am I what I appear to be, nor do I appear to be what
I am. While I am veiled, you may see me and I may see you. But if you come just to
find out who I am, and are successful, you will no longer wish to love me even though
my feelings for you will not have changed. When death is the artist, one cannot always
be sure of the portrait. Something may have one form in one light and quite another
in a different light. Love, the painter, brings two lights into harmony, which is
what you have in me. Today you see me in this light; that is why you seek me. When
you see me again in another light, perhaps you may hate me. What is important for
me today is that that I swear that I am not Luis’s lady. You may put aside that suspicion
once and for all.
556Then, madam, what moved you to disguise yourself and hide from him?
557I could be a noble woman with much to lose should Luis recognize me.
558Can you tell me at least how you are able to enter my room?
559That, too, must wait for another time, for the same reasons.
560(Aside) (That’s my cue.) — The water and sweets have arrived, your excellency, if you would wish…
(The ladies approach with the napkins, glasses, and trays of sweets.)
561What impertinence! Fool, who is “your excellency”? Do you hope thus to deceive our
guest, causing him to believe that I am great lady?
563(Aside) That’s one question answered. I have always thought her to be a great lady who, because
of her rank and status, disguised herself, and kept her secret bought with gold.
(Offstage Juan calls and the women stir.)
(Within) Open up! Open this door!
565Heavens! What is that noise?
567I am frozen with fright.
568(Aside) Is there no end to my bad luck? Heaven help me!
569My lord, it is my husband.
570What should I do?
571You must hide … at once! Isabel, lead him away and hide him in the room you know of…
you understand.
(She exits.)
(Within) Will you not open this door?
(Exit.) May heaven help me! My life and my honor depend upon a fortuitous exit.
(Within) By God, I’ll break it down!
576Beatriz, you hide over there, and make sure he doesn’t see you.
[Enter Juan.]
What do you want in my room at this hour? What brings you to disturb us like this?
577You answer my questions first. What dress is that?
578You usually see me in mourning, full of grief and despair. I only hoped to cheer myself
a bit with these clothes.
579I do not doubt it. Women can easily solve their problems with jewels or a new frock,
even if in your case I find it a bit unseemly.
580Why should you care what I wear in the privacy of my own room?
581Tell me, did Beatriz return home?
582Just so. Her father has changed his mind and decided to forgive her.
583I did not care to know more. I merely wanted to find out if I might see her and speak
to her tonight. I shall leave, but remember, that dress does not suit you.
584Good-bye… and good riddance.
(Beatriz comes out of hiding.) Close the door, Beatriz.
585We came out of this fright rather well. Your brother is going to look for me.
586Until the house has settled down, and Manuel returns from his room to see me, let
us hide here in this niche so that we might be harder to find.
587If this turns out well, you deserve to be called the Phantom Lady.
[Manuel’s room]
(Enter Manuel and Isabel through the cupboard.)
588You must remain here, and make no noise that might attract attention.
589I shall be as still as a statue.
590(Aside.) I hope I can get this thing closed well. I’m so nervous.
591Oh, how much one risks when one dares enter into a game in which he does not know
and cannot imagine the losses that await him, the misfortunes that are in store! Here
I am in the house of a most noble gentleman, so far away from my home, confronted
by a thousand cruel surprises. But what is this? It appears that someone is opening
a door. Yes, people are entering.
(Enter Cosme.)
592Thank God that I was able to come back freely and fearlessly into my room, even though
I have no light. Then again, if the ghost has my master, what would he want from me?
(He bumps into Manuel.) Uh oh! More trouble. Who goes there? Who are you?
593Hold your tongue, I tell you, whoever you are, if you do not wish to die pummeled
by my fists.
594You have my word on it. I won’t speak any more than a poor relation in the house of
a rich man.
595(Aside.) This must be a servant who has happened into this room. I can find out from him where
I am. Tell me, what house is this, and who is its owner?
596Sir, this house and its owner both belong to the devil, may he take me. Here lives
a lady whom they call the Phantom Lady, who is a demon in the shape of a woman.
597And who are you?
598I am a servant or valet, an underling, a lackey who suffers these enchantments without
knowing why.
599And who is your master?
600He’s a madman, impertinent, foolish, idiotic, and wretched, who has lost his mind
over a lady.
602Manuel Enríquez.
604I am called Cosme Catiboratos. At your service.
605Cosme, you?! I am your master. How have you come here? Tell me, have you been following
me from the cemetery? Did you enter with me and hide in this room as well?
606What a clever game you play. Tell me, how did you end up here? Didn’t you go off by
yourself at their instruction, ever so brave and noble? So how have you returned so
quickly? And how did you get into this room since I have the key?
607What room is this?
608Either yours or the devil’s.
609By God, you are lying. Just now I was far from here, in a very different house.
610It must be the work of the goblin, because I’m telling you the gospel truth.
611You are trying to drive me mad.
612What else can I say to make you believe me? Go through that door and you’ll see where
we are.
613Good idea. I shall return immediately.
614Ladies and Gentlemen, shall we ever find out way out of this confusion?
(Enter Isabel through the cupboard.)
615(Aside.) (Juan has left again. I have to retrieve Manuel before he figures out what’s going
on.) — Psst! Psst!
616Things are getting worse. These pssts are downright psscary.
617My lord has now retired.
618(Aside) (What lord?
(Enter Manuel.)
619Indeed, this is my room.
621[Aside](To Cosme) (Yes, it is I. Come with me quickly.)
622You are quite right.
623[Aside] (To Cosme) (Do not be afraid. There is nothing to fear.)
624Sir, the ghost is taking me away!
Isabel leads Cosme out through the cupboard.
625Shall we never know the source of this intrigue? Answer me! What a fool you are. Cosme!
Cosme? My God, there is nothing here but walls. Was I not just now talking with him?
Was he not here? I shall surely lose my mind completely, and for good reason. At least,
since someone else is sure to enter here, I can find out how. I shall hide in this
alcove and wait attentively until I can discover who is the lovely Phantom Lady.
(He hides.)
[Angela’s room]
(Enter Angela, Beatriz, and a servant, one with a candle, another with some boxes,
and a third with a glass of water.)
626Since my brother has left the house to look for you, and since Isabel has taken Manuel
to her room, everything is ready. Let him find the entire scene set when he arrives.
Places, everyone.
627I have never seen such a deception in my entire life.
629Yes, I hear footsteps.
(Enter Isabel, leading Cosme by the hand.)
630God help me! Where am I going? This isn’t funny any more. But wait. Now I see all
these beautiful ladies? Who am I? Lancelot? Am I little old Cosme or King Arthur?
631Here he is. What’s this? Sir!
632(Aside.) (Now I am sure I am bewitched. My soul hangs by a thread.)
633Isabel, what is this?
634[Aside] (To her mistress.) (My lady, when I went back for Manuel, in the same room where I left him, I found
his servant.)
635What a clumsy error!
637Alas! The trick has now been revealed.
638[Aside](To Angela.) (Maybe not just yet.) Cosme.
640Come here, sit by me.
641I’m fine here, thank you very much.
642Please, do not be afraid.
643Afraid, a man of my courage?
644Then come here, won’t you?
(Cosme approaches them.)
645(Aside.) I can’t get out of it since my reputation and my honor depend on it. It is not out of fear that I keep my distance but out of respect. Why, how could
I fear the devil himself dressed as a woman? Actually, the devil tried it once, and
for a certain trick he put on a corset and petticoats. In fact, I think the devil
invented corsets and petticoats. Anyway, disguised as a lovely young maiden, rich
and well-dressed, he appeared to a shepherd, who, as soon as he saw her burst into
flames of passion for her. He had a merry time with the she-devil. Afterward, the
devil returned to his hideous, horrible form and asked, “Wretch, don’t you see the
truth of the beauty you have enjoyed? You have nothing left but despair, for you pursued
me!” The shepherd, less unhappy than before he ravished her, replied, “Oh, vain and
false spirit, you tried to make this unhappy man despair. Come back tomorrow in the
same disguise and you’ll find me just as amorous and solicitous afterwards as before.
Let me tell you a secret: as horrible as he may be, a devil is not a half bad when
dressed as a woman.
646You are not yourself. Please, have a drink. Great frights make one thirsty.
648We must be going. You have to return to your room two hundred leagues from here.
(Luis begins calling offstage.)
649What? What’s that noise?
650Are they calling?
653Oh, unhappy me!
(Within) Isabel.
655Heaven help me!
(Within) Open up here.
657For every problem I have a different brother.
658This is too much!
660This must be the real ghost.
661[Aside](To Cosme) (Come with me.)
(Enter Luis.)
663What business do you have here in my room?
664A thousand miseries lead me to spoil other pleasures. Not long ago I saw in this room
a chair used by Beatriz, and then I saw my brother enter.
665And? What do you want?
666Since this room is above my own, it seemed to me that I heard footsteps. To satisfy
myself, I have come up to have a look around.
(Luis opens a door and discovers Beatriz hiding.) Beatriz, you, here?
667Indeed. I had to return because my father became angry again, as usual.
668You both seem quite nervous. What is all this with the napkins, glasses, and sweets?
669Why on earth would you have the slightest interest in the way we women entertain ourselves
when we are alone?
(Isabel and Cosme make noise in the cupboard passage.)
670What is that noise?
671(Aside) (I am undone!)
672By God, there are people here! This cannot be my brother’s doing. I am sure he knows
nothing of this!
(He opens the cupboard wider in order to enter carrying a light.) My heavens! Here I am worried about the petty jealousies of love, when all along I
should have been much more concerned for our honor! I shall take a light, even though
I know it may be imprudent. Light can reveal everything, including dishonor.
673Oh, Beatriz! If he finds him, we are lost!
674If Isabel now has him in her room, then you are worried for nothing. The secret of
the cupboard is safe.
675But what if my luck is such that Isabel was not able to close the cupboard tightly.
What if Luis enters there?
676Then you will need to find a safe place.
677I shall throw myself on the mercy of your father and ask him to help me the way that
I helped you. If one problem brought you here, another may take me there.
[Manuel’s room]
(Enter Isabel and Cosme through the cupboard. Enter Manuel through the door.)
(She exits.)
679Once again I hear people in this room.
(Enter Luis with a light.)
680I saw a man! God help me!
681This can’t be good.
682Why is the cupboard out of place?
683Oh, no! Another light! I’ll hide under this desk.
(He hides.)
684I have had enough of this.
(He puts his hand on his sword.)
686Luis! How is this possible? What utter confusion!
687(Aside) (See how they entered! I tried to tell him a thousand times!)
688Nefarious gentleman, nay, villain, traitor, contemptible guest who draws his unworthy
sword against a host who has shown you nothing but honor, service, and favor! You
dare confront me so?
689I fight only to defend myself. I am totally bewildered seeing you and hearing you.
Even should you try to kill me, you will not succeed because I, made stronger in the
crucible of misfortune, am now immortal. You shall not, even though you may try, give
me death. If all my grief has not done me in, then neither shall you, no matter how
brave you are.
690Do not try to talk your way out of this.
691But wait, Luis. I believe there is a way to satisfy you.
692What satisfaction can there be if you try so boldly to dishonor me? With you standing
here in this room, can there possibly be satisfaction?
693May my sword pierce my heart a thousand times, Luis, if I ever had any idea that there
was a passage to the other room.
694So what are you doing locked up in here without any light?
695(Aside.) (What shall I tell him?) — I am waiting for my servant.
696When I have seen you hiding, you want me to believe that my eyes are lying to me?
697Yes, for the eyes are more susceptible to deceit than any of the other senses.
698And if my eyes are deceiving me, you want me to believe that my ears are lying to
me as well?
700Then all my senses are lying, and only you are telling me the truth? You are the only
one who….
701Wait, before you accuse me of being a liar, I shall cut you down before you can utter
another word. If you want a duel, then I am at your service. I have put up with enough
in the name of friendship. But since you are determined that we should duel, let us
fight fairly. Let us each take half the candle so that we can each see equally well.
Close that door you came through so imprudently while I close this other one. I shall
throw the key on the floor so that the one who remains alive will be able to leave.
702I shall push the cupboard closed and seal it with this desk so that no one can open
it from the other side.
(When Luis moves the desk, he reveals Cosme hiding under it.)
706There’s nobody here.
707Tell me, Manuel, is this the servant you were waiting for?
708Pay no attention to him. I know that I am right. Believe of me what you will, but
with my sword in my hand, only one of us will remain alive.
709Then let us fight. What are you waiting for?
710You offend me greatly if you think I am a coward. I am wondering what to do with my
servant. If we throw him out he will tell everyone what he knows. If he stays he will
surely come to my aid.
711No way. Far be it from me to interfere.
712This room has an alcove. Let us lock him in there and thus we shall be equals.
713Very well. Go, Cosme.
714Why do you go on so about my not fighting. There wasn’t the slightest chance that
that would happen.
715Now it is just the two of us.
716Let the duel begin.
(They fight.)
717What a valiant fighter!
718What strength! What courage! I cannot believe this! My sword has come undone. I am
719That is no fault of your valor. It was just an accident. Go for another.
720You are a most gracious gentleman. (Aside) (Oh, Fortune, what must I do in such a situation. The man who dishonors me also spares
my life? I must find a way, one way or the other, to do the right thing.)
721Will you not go for another sword?
722Yes. Since you are waiting for me, I shall return promptly.
723Quickly or not, I shall be here.
725And with you.
(Exit Luis.)
I shall close the door and remove the key so that no one can see that there are people
here. What astonishing confusion besieges my mind! But I knew there had to be another
door or passage into this room, and that our visitor was Luis’s lady! In fact, everything
is turning out just as I imagined. But then, misfortunes are always true.
(Cosme looks over the partition..)
726Oh, master! For the love of God, now that you are alone, let me out of here. I am
afraid that the ghost will come back for me with all the giving and taking and haggling
and squabbling. And here I am in a cubby hole where I can barely see the walls.
727I shall open the door. I am so overcome by your description of your plight, I cannot
imagine anything more pitiful.
(Exit Manuel into the alcove. Enter Juan and Angela, who is wearing a cloak.)
728Wait here while I seek out the cause of all these goings-on and the reason why you
should be leaving the house at this hour. I do not want you to go to your room because
I want to satisfy myself regarding what has gone on. (Aside) (I shall leave her here in Manuel’s room. Lest he should appear, I shall place a servant
at the door with orders that no one shall pass.)
729I could not be more miserable. My misfortunes cascade one after the other. I am undone.
(Enter Manuel and Cosme)
730Let’s get out of here.
731What are you afraid of?
732That woman is a devil, and she still won’t leave me alone!
733But we now know who she is, and there is a desk against one door and the other is
locked with a key. How do you expect her to get in?
734However she wants.
735What a fool you are.
(Spotting Angela) Sweet Jesus!
737Why are you shouting?
738It seemed like the right thing to do.
(Seeing Angela) Are you an illusion, a shadow, or a woman who has come to kill me? How did you get
742Please listen. Luis came to my room in a terrible state. He burst in daringly, raced
around madly, searched the room blindly, went through the passage imprudently and
found you unexpectedly. The next thing I knew there was the sound of swords clashing.
I knew that for two noblemen locked in a room, spurred on by their honor and their
valor, there was no alternative but a duel to the death. Breathless and lifeless,
I fled from my house, and in the cold dark of night, the bleakness of which reflected
my fortune, I began to walk. I stumbled here and made a wrong turn there. Once I tripped
and another time I caught my dress on something. Alone, miserable, and distraught,
I finally made my way to the threshold of a house that was my prison when it should
have been sacred ground or at least safe harbor. But what more can a misbegotten soul
expect? Do you not see how fate links together our misfortunes in endless chains?
There at the door was my brother, Don Juan. I tried mightily but in vain to resist
telling him who I was, but having kept it from him has placed us in such extraordinary
jeopardy. Who will believe that silence in a woman could have caused such calamity?
And it is true that, as a woman, my silence has led to my death. At any rate, he was
waiting at that door when, heaven help me, I arrived at its threshold. I was a volcano
of ice or a snowcap of fire. In the scarce light provided by the pale moon, he was
able to see the jewels on my breast — it is not the first time such baubles have betrayed
a woman — and he heard the rustle of my dress —nor is it the first time a dress has
undone a woman. He thought I was his lady and, like a moth to a flame hoping to consummate
his love in fire, he found in me only the ghost of his lucky star. Who could believe
that a gentleman, consumed by jealousy, should find his fortune so contrary that he
should not know that jealousy is his fate? He tried to speak to me but he could not,
for feelings have always lacked a proper voice. In sad words that rose poorly formed
from his heart to his lips, he sought the cause of his misery. I tried to answer him,
but I have already mentioned that feelings know no words. I tried, but I could not.
Reason works poorly in the presence of fear. I tried to find excuses for my guilt,
but when one seeks out exoneration, it usually comes late or never. The crime is affirmed
by the denial. “Come, wicked sister,” he said, “you who are the first stain on our
ancient honor. I shall keep you cloistered where you will be safe and out of harm’s
way until I discover, calmly and rationally, the cause of this dishonor.” I came in
here and fortune allowed my spirits to rise a bit when I saw you. For having loved
you I have become a false spirit in my own house. Having admired you, I have been
buried alive by my woes. She who would fail to respect your nobility does not love
you. She who would admit her treason face to face does not deserve you. My intention
was to love you, my goal to cherish you, my fear to lose you, my concern to reassure
you, my life’s purpose to honor you, my soul’s ambition to adore you, my desire to
serve you, and my plea, in effect, to persuade you to look after my troubles, to help
me, to support me, to rescue me, and to deliver me.
743(Aside.) My misfortunes multiply like hydra, reborn from the ashes. What shall I do in such
a blind abyss, a labyrinth, a tangled web. She is the sister of Luis, when I thought
she was his lady. My God, if I thought I offended his love, what have I done to his
honor? Righteous torment! She is his sister. If I come to her aid and defend her with
my sword, maintaining her innocence with my blade, my guilt is even greater, for then
I am a traitor who has dishonored her house by my presence. But to wish to exonerate
myself by implicating her is to say that she is to blame, and my sense of honor will
not allow that. So, what am I supposed to do? If I defend her, I am a traitor; if
I abandon her, I am a cad; if I hide her, I am an unworthy guest; if I turn her over
to her brother, I am less than human; if I take her under my protection, I am an unworthy
friend. Since no matter which choice I make I must end up worse off, at least let
me die fighting. Fear not, madam. I am a nobleman and you are now with me.
744They are opening the door.
745Be not afraid. My valor will protect you.
746It is my brother.
747Have no doubts. Get behind me.
(Enter Luis.)
748I have returned. But, what is this? Traitor!
(He threatens Angela.)
749Hold your sword, Luis. I have been waiting for you in this room since you left. Here,
without my understanding how, this lady entered. She claims to be your sister. I give
you my word as a gentleman that I do not know her. Suffice it to say that, deceived,
I have spoken to her without knowing who she was. At the risk of my own life and soul
I am placing her under my protection. Therefore our duel, which was supposed to be
just between us behind closed doors, will now become a public scandal if you do not
allow us to leave. Having made sure she is safe, I shall return to satisfy the demands
of our dispute. As one who lives by honor and for whom there is nothing more important
than sword and honor, allow me to go for the sake of honor, since I allowed you to
go for a sword.
750I went for it, but only to place it here at your feet. Our earlier differences are
now resolved. But now that you give me a new reason, I have a new cause for which
to challenge you. This woman is my sister. No one may take her from my sight without
first being her husband. Thus, if you insist on taking her hand, it must be with the
promise of marriage. When she is then safe and sound you may return to our duel, if
you wish.
751I shall return, but impressed as I am with your prudence and constancy, I shall not
fight but rather throw myself on your mercy.
(They shake hands.)
753To fulfill my obligations in full, I offer to your sister my hand in marriage.
(Enter Beatriz and Isabel through one door and Juan through another.)
754If all you lack is someone to give away the bride, here I am. I was coming from where
I left my sister when I heard your voice. Prepared for misfortune, I find I could
not be happier. I give you both my blessing.
755Well, they may have gotten together, but they did not do it alone.
756Beatriz, you, in my house?
757I never left. Someday I shall tell you all about it.
758Let us take full advantage of this happy occasion!
759Thank God the ghost finally declared herself! Tell me, was it all a drunken dream?
760Indeed, it was not, and today you shall marry Isabel.
761I’d really have to be drunk for that. Sorry, but I can’t.
763Because I don’t want to waste time better spent by asking this kind audience to forgive
our mistakes. We humbly ask your good will and kind indulgence.