Texto utilizado para esta edición digital:
Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. [online] Edited by Barbara Mowat and Paul Werstine. Digital text editors: Michael Poston, and Rebecca Niles. Washington D.C.: Folger Shakespeare Library. [Accessed 14 November 2017] Folger Digital Texts. www.folgerdigitaltexts.org
- Bodi García, Alba
Note on this digital edition
Reproduced with kind permission by Folger Shakespeare Library.
Folger Digital Texts and their source code are available at no cost for online reading
and download, for noncommercial purposes only, under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
3.0 Unported License.
For this digital edition, overflowing or “turn under” verse lines in the Folger Digital
Text have been reassembled onto the same verse line, and their line numbering has
been reset accordingly.
Characters in the Play
DEMETRIUS, } Four lovers |
THESEUS, duke of Athens |
HIPPOLYTA, queen of the Amazons |
EGEUS, father to HERMIA |
PHILOSTRATE, master of the revels to Theseus |
NICK BOTTOM, weaver |
PETER QUINCE, carpenter |
FRANCIS FLUTE, bellows-mender |
TOM SNOUT, tinker |
SNUG, joiner |
OBERON, king of the Fairies |
TITANIA, queen of the Fairies |
ROBIN GOODFELLOW, a “puck,” or hobgoblin, in Oberon’s service |
A Fairy, in the service of Titania |
MOTE, } |
MUSTARDSEED, } Fairies attending upon Titania |
Lords and Attendants on Theseus and Hippolyta |
Other Fairies in the trains of Titania and Oberon |
⸢ACT 1⸣
⸢Scene 1⸣
⸢Scene 2⸣
⸢ACT 2⸣
⸢Scene 1⸣
⸢ACT 3⸣
⸢Scene 1⸣
⸢Scene 2⸣
⸢ACT 4⸣
⸢Scene 1⸣
⸢Scene 2⸣
⸢ACT 5⸣
⸢Scene 1⸣